About Our Games
We are thrilled to offer former high school football players the opportunity to relive their glory days in a fun and safe environment. With 40 years of experience, we provide all the necessary equipment, insurance, officials, security, and emergency personnel for the game. Check out our FAQs to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are these full-contact games?
A: These are full-contact games with high school rules.
- No rushing through the “A” gap (No one touches the center.) on extra points, punts, and field goals.
- No taunting, or you will be automatically ejected.
- Celebrations are encouraged!
There are only two rule modifications:
- The crack back rule is that for any block from the outside in, the blocker must plant both feet and make contact with the hands first.
- All players who rush the quarterback must come out of a three or four-point stance, with only four rushers allowed.
Q: Who can play?
A: Anyone who wants to play for their old team may play, even if you didn’t make the team in high school. Now is your chance!
There is no age limit. We have father and son duos, past coaches, and brothers from different graduating years. If you want to represent your colors, sign up or contact us and get ready to rock ‘n’ roll!
Q: Who supplies the equipment?
A: Alumni Football USA© will provide all necessary equipment from head to toe. We supply:
- Helmets
- Shoulder Pads
- Jerseys
- Pants
- Hip, Thigh, Knee, and Tail Pads
Q: Who can we bring to the game?
A: You can bring anyone and everyone, including friends, family, and classmates. Some class reunions are planned based on the game date. It’s a great kick-off before the party. Feel free to gather the high school band or bring cheerleaders!
Q: How much does it cost?
Players can expect a cost of $100-$125 per game.
General Admission: Depends on the area
Kids 6 and Under: Free
The money will be used to pay for the following, if nessary:
- Stadium/Facility
- Complete Liability Coverage
- Officials
- Security
- Emergency Personnel
- All Player Equipment Mentioned Above
- Announcers
- Chain Gang
- Scoreboard Operator
- Music Operator
- Video/Media Personnel
Q: How do I sign up?
- Go to the “Games” menu at the top.
- Select your state.
- Click on the game you are interested in.
- Find your team, select quantity (1), and Order Now.
- Fill out your payment info and player stats.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Customer Service
Q: What If I am unable to play?
A: Alumni Football USA© will refund all your money only if the game is canceled. We will refund your money, less a $25 processing fee, if you are unable to play for any reason, and we are notified by email within four weeks of game day.

Upcoming Games Coming Soon!